"Dry Bones" Skeleton Resin Money Clip
"Dry Bones" Skeleton Resin Money Clip
$39.50 $49.50
"Dry Bones" Skeleton Resin Money Clip
5.3x2.7cm rectangle with oval resin carving atop
The art work you now own is an intricately engraved art piece cast in sculpting resin from an original fossil engraving. Artists Kim and Katherine McClelland create each design in their Ohio studio, purchasing their ancient materials to engrave on from the Yupik Eskimos in Alaska.
Each Unique design combines the ancient art of scrimshaw done long ago by American whalers with the modern usage of resin material. Lines are cut in with a sharp scribe. Ink is then rubbed into each hand-engraved original to "expose" the image.
This art work offers the continued enjoyment of the art of scrimshaw, and indigenous American art form.
Breath of Life:
God in olden das spoke to a prophet or holy man named Ezekiel. He showed him a valley strewn with dry bones... lots of them! "Call these bones back to life!" God says to Ezekiel. Overwhelmed by the request he replies "Me? Only you can do such a task!"
Sure enough at God's command there was a rustling sound and the bones started to move, skin formed, then muscles and finally from the four winds came the breath of life.
God is still in the process today of speaking life to our own "dry" bones as depicted in this engraving. Check out the story in Ezekiel 37 and John 11 for yourself.
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